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December Board Meeting Highlights

Posted Date: 12/11/24 (8:41 PM)

Comfort ISD News
Highlights of the CISD Board Meeting - December 2024
Dear CISD Community,
Welcome to our monthly school board meeting newsletter. This edition brings you some highlights of the school board meeting that was held on December 9th. Our goal is to keep you connected and informed each month.
In this issue:
CHS Cross Country Team
Cross Country Team Recognized
The Comfort High School cross country team was recognized for advancing to the regional and state competition during the fall season. CISD is very proud of these talented young athletes. The team is coached by Mr. George Edwards.
Junior FFA Program Recognized
For first time at Comfort ISD, the Junior FFA students at Comfort Middle School competed at their first event and ranked in the top four. This is just the beginning for these students and CISD is proud of their accomplishment. The team and their sponsor Lauren Kitchens were recognized by the superintendent and school board members.
CHS Varsity Volleyball Team
CHS Varsity Volleyball Team Recognized
The Comfort High School Varsity Volleyball team were one of the student groups recognized as the "Blue and Gold Stars" on Monday night. They were honored for advancing two rounds into the playoffs. Way to go Deer!
Health and Safety icons
Information Items
  • Superintendent Dr. Munoz reported on board committees that have been developed, the 12 Days of Holiday Cheer, the next school board meeting that will be held on January 13th, and an update on correspondence received about the Marine Corps JROTC program application.
  • Director of Academic Services Dr. Boothe gave a brief report about the the mid-year checkpoint activities, common assessments, professional learning communities, instructional coaching for teachers, and the student data trackers.
  • Director of Administrative and Support Services Mr. Colvin gave information about the December STAAR EOC testing, Teacher Incentive Allotment, LASO grants that the district applied for, the counselor annual assessment of compliance update, the assistant principals meetings, the intruder detection audit update, and emergency operation plan along with the cybersecurity annex plan.
  • The Taher Food Services Director Mrs. Esquivel gave an update on the new walk-in freezer that will be installed over the break, she reported about breakfast in the classroom at the elementary, and the meal counts for the year.
  • Athletic Director Jay Rieken reported on the basketball season so far for the boys and girls, the baseball and softball fields project, and the falls sports banquet that will take place on Dec. 11th.
  • Technology Director Jennifer DiGiacinto informed the board about the new threat detection tool, the Ideal Impact project, the vape detector training that was provided to administrators, the Sandy Hook Promise anonymous/bullying reporting tool, and helpdesk tickets that were closed.
  • McLemore manager Mike Wallace introduced the new project manager Kristen Sheppard to the school board, and he gave an update on other personnel hired recently. He also reported on the upcoming safety training that will be provided to staff.
12 Days of Holiday Cheer
Information Items
  • Written reports were provided for all other departments and campuses. Some highlights of the written reports included the elementary 2nd and 3rd grade performances for the month of November, the total enrollment of 474 students at the elementary, the middle school report card night, the upcoming common assessment at CMS, the CMS professional learning communities agenda, the CHS total enrollment of 350 students, the FFA LDE contest, the building trades projects at CHS, and the CHS Early College program first cohort progress. All three campus principals keep parents well informed through their weekly newsletters that are posted to the campus FB page and sent via Parent Square.

Non-Action Item:

  • Director of Finance Emily Martinez gave an overview of the 2023-2024 Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report in a public hearing before the board meeting. Comfort ISD received an "A" which is a superior achievement rating with a district score of a 96.
Action Items
Action Items
  • The school board adopted the 2024-2025 district goals that were previously revised during the the Team of Eight training on November 13th.
  • The board approved to notify the Texas Education Agency (TEA) regarding two educators who will be abandoning their teaching contracts after December of 2024.
"Never Stop Growing... Be the Change"
CISD Vision: Excellence through Cultivating Hearts and Minds

CISD Mission: Comfort ISD ensures all students receive a premier education and exceed state standards. We desire excellence for all children; find and develop the individual talents of every child; and cultivate hearts and minds by teaching integrity and responsibility and empowering students with knowledge to develop into productive citizens.